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3D modelling week 4/5

First of all I apologise for not uploading during week 4, as I have started streaming on twitch as another form of recording the progress, and making it easier/more efficient to show it in future posts! If you would like to watch the recent stream you can watch it here (I forgot to save the first stream)

So first of all I have finished the 2nd model (The junkrat gun) by firstly, after using the Pro Boolean modifier between the last two models, I then created a cylinder and used a spline tool (this is basically a 2D line that can be rendered to be 3D, and selected a spline helix adding more turns to make it more condensed, and then eventually wrapping around the cylinder to create a coil of sorts.

After that I simply add a low poly cylinder making it look like a bolt, before going onto create the end of the weapon.

To start creating the end of the weapon I started by making the grip/trigger which I used a cylinder and then hollowed it out similarly to the huo-long heater weapon I made, I then used a edit poly to move out half of the cylinder and create a slight indent and be accurate to the model. (As well as deleting around 1/3 of the circle and bridging the holes).

I then used another edit poly to make the trigger, making indents into the model and making sure to use the symmetry modifier to make it symmetrical:

I should also mention that in the third image, there is a slight update to some models on the top, these were made by using the following:

-Edit poly - I used the edit poly several times to slightly configure basic shapes to have some bends, or make something flatter

-Spline - I mainly used the spline object as a rope, along with the edit poly to curve it round certain objects

-Soft selection - This was used for adjusting the rope smoothly, giving it a nicer curve

-Torus - These were easier parts of the rope to make, looping it around the sight line

-Symmetry - Again it was used to make things symmetrical

And finally I simply used some bolts made by low poly cylinders, this goes for the same for the rest of the model, adding smaller bolts for detail.

After adding small details I simply made about 4 More objects using planes, Edit poly's and soft selection...

For the tyre I first made a normal cylinder with around 10-20 sides and used a edit poly to select the top area and rotate it, making all the side slightly angled:

I did this so I can make the detail and indents/pattern in the tyre easily, by connecting and selecting faces in a diagonal pattern and eventually bevelling it:

And finally I made the joints (parts connecting the weapon to the tyre) with a few planes and edit polys, using the same methods as shown previously.

And that is the end of another models (that still needs texturing) I feel like I have talked less and this seems shorter for the amount of work I have done, but I have explained this in a lot more depth on twitch, and a lot of the explaining I would do would just be me repeating myself.

Here's a slideshow of the final model (without texture)

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