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Credit control

Credit control can be seen in companies such as catalogues like JD Williams, where you are given a certain credit limit to buy products with, allowing the customer to buy a lot of products and then pay the money back, if they fail to pay it back they have interest put on it, making them pay more. If they successfully pay it back, they may be further rewarded with more credit.

This is beneficial to companies as this will give them a reliable source of money and even if they are unreliable, they will be forced to pay more money back then they originally spent, acting as a profit for both the platform and the product producer.

Developers within the studio would have more money and resources to work with producing more games, or at least getting higher pay. They would also go on to develop a more diverse range of products as well to create more creditable products.

Credit control would work on multiple products within a studio outside of digital games, influencing them to create merchandise and offers for games bundles and special editions costing more with little less production cost.

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