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3D modelling week 6

This week on my 3D modelling, I did something a bit different from the college tasks set, and made a completely original idea that would fit into the game where I made the Huo-long heater, I named it the:

Rocket sentry.

Before starting the modelling process however I made a concept drawing, based similarly off of the level 2 sentry and mini sentry

Here is the concept art I made, I made sure to make different angles of the idea, so it would be much easier to model.

I made it so that there would be barriers and it would be symmetrical so it would be similar enough to the other sentries, however unique enough, adding barriers as well as a different form of rocket holster and base, similar to the level 3 sentry, It also has a antenna as one of my original ideas were to make the rocket shooting out occasionally have the ability to heat-sink to nearby targets, but decided to keep it into the design anyway, the back part of the model I felt needed to be bulked out, so I added a metal panel that would have air holes and ports to connect everything behind it, and I felt the legs of the model needed to be thicker than normal mini sentries, as it would have a lot more weight and be a lot more top heavy.

I don't feel that I need to explain what I did, as a lot of the methods I have used have been repeated through every post I have made, so I basically used, splines, edit poly's symmetry, soft selection etc.

And to texture the model I used a unwrap UV modifier, and made sure to unfold the UV and flatten it until it is neat and organise (Sometimes I needed to move the faces in the UV to make it easier to texture, and more grouped with other faces similar to it.

This in turn made it much more easier to model, as all the sides such as top and bottom are next to each other as well as the sides, but the back is further away as it would be a completely different colour.

(Blue variation) - I did this with various tools on pixlr, such as the normal brush, fill tools, smudging and blurring, to make the texture less precise.

Finally I attempted getting this model into source filmmaker, but due to the fact that the process is extremely complex using different software such as vtfedit, and needing to export the model into blender and using a plugin to convert it into a .sfm file and eventually a .mdl file. vtfedit would change the textures into Vmt files (Valve model texture)...

Instead I imported it into UE4 and angled it and made a nice screenshot:

This will potentially be my final model, although I may recreate another model in the next week

Here is the statistics for the model I made:

Class: Engineer

Sentry Name - Rocket Sentry

Firing Rate - 0.75 - 0.80 seconds

Damage - Point Blank - 50-60, Medium - 30-45, Long - 10-20

crit damage - X3 ^^

Rockets held - 15 (Max)

Building cost - 100 Metal

Projectile speed - 1700 Hammerunits per second/ 72mph

Splash radius - 70 cm

Self damage - 20-40

Melee Weapon - Screwdriver (may change)

Other Ideas in mind - Drill, Lug Wrench, Blow Torch

Name ideas - Definite Backfire, Atomic Demise, Boot quiverer, ((Malicious misfire)), Loathsome

Metal - + 50 metal

Buff - Quicker buildup time, Less damage taken from self

Penalties - Significantly Reduced Repair rate

Weapon could be used as a combo with wrangler and rescue ranger to travel faster and get into more unique spots(edited)

(And hopefully it can be added to a community TF2 server, or even TF2)

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