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3D modelling week three (short)

Hi again, just wanted to post a quick update on what I have been doing recently, due to personal issues such as redecorating and others things within my life, however I did manage to do a little bit of progress on the Junkrat gun although this took a lot longer than it looks.

For this part I needed to go through several processes as not all of them worked due to how chamferring works within the software, making polygons cross and creating overlapping within the model, so I ended up deleting faces and reconnecting them until I got to picture 3 (and this took a long while) , and simply after that used two pro boolean modifiers, this allowed me to basically create a hole inside of the two models I used (picture 1 and picture 3) to end up with the final result, I also grouped these two models together so they counted as one before the boolean modifiers.

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