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3D model Week one

I have decided to start work on my first 3D model, this model is part of my tasks of further education and needs to be based of off another game, the model I am recreating is the weapon of Junk rats, a grenade launcher, following reference art from the original game:

To start with I used a basic geometric cube and slowly moulded it into a shape shape similar to the ammo cartridge using the edit poly modifier, and to give it more depth I inset the front and back faces of the object and moved them in on itself, for the Iron bar I had to create a cylinder, and add a arc modifier, allowing me to bend the entire cylinder giving it a 'arc' (although I did need to make the cylinder use more polygons in able to get a smooth curve) after that I then applied a edit poly modifier to stretch out the ends of the arc so it attaches to the ammo cartridge, I finally duplicated the object and made it slightly smaller, before adding a compound object to the original named 'ProBoolean' Allowing me to make the object hollow so I can put the bombs within the cartridge.

For the other parts of the weapon they are basically made of cylinders and using edit poly's, although some techniques I did need to use were the following:

Smooth selection: This allows me to select parts of the object in a smooth way, like a brush.

Turbo Smooth: this basically adds more polygons to make the model look smoother

Chamfer: This allows me to smooth edges down adding a extra polygon to corners of a object.

Extrude: This allows me to pull out a polygon by a certain measurement and angle.

Bevel: This is basically a mixture between Chamfer and Extrude, allowing you to change the size of the face that is selected.

Symmetry: This is a modifier separate from the edit poly and allows the object to be like a mirror, reflecting it one way on the axis (X Y Z).

The one final complex part I made (seen at the bottom of the collage) that used creating a Plane (a 2D object) and making a basic outline before making it 3D using the shell modifier, and using chamfer in edit poly and symmetry to make it symmetrical. Before attaching them all together.

I may need to redesign the sight line to be slightly more symmetrical as I didn't use the symmetry modifier, however this may add to the junk and resourcefulness of the model.

I also plan to use more advanced measures to make more details more efficiently, such as a challenging model could be recreating the tyre on the side of the weapon.


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